Cola Rosé Shower Sponsorship Levels
Help us celebrate women and promote awareness to feminine care issues that plague women in the community by being a sponsor at the 4th Annual Cola Rosé Shower on February 8, 2025. This organization is classified as a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity organization by the standards of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Therefore, the donation may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
Logo recognition on event promotional materials and advertising.
Logo recognition on digital signage at event.
Social Media promotion.
Four (4) tickets to event.
Rose Gold
Logo recognition on event promotional materials and advertising.
Logo recognition on digital signage at event.
Press Release Media mention.
Event Entrance - Elevators.
Reserved table at event inside.
Social Media promotion.
Six (6) tickets to event.
Rose Diamond Sponsorship
Predominant logo recognition on event promotional materials and advertising.
Predominant logo recognition on digital signage at event.
Jumbotron logo recognition at event.
Reserved table at event inside.
Champagne tower logo recognition.
Press Release Media mention.
Post event video footage mention.
Verbal recognition at event.
Social Media promotion.
Eight (8) tickets to event.
First right of renewal to sponsors at this level for Cola Rosé Shower 2026.